2 min readFeb 25, 2021

Embedded Vision Technology KritiKal Solutions

Everything Manufacturers Need to Know About Embedded Vision

Embedded vision signifies the integration of a camera and processing board — a comprehensive vision-based solution. Historically, vision systems consisted of a camera and a PC. These were both large and expensive. Over time, both cameras and PCs shrunk in size and price until they could be easily embedded in other systems at an affordable price. Embedded vision systems are usually easier to use and integrate than PC-based systems. Embedded vision systems can be found in a wide variety of applications; from manufacturing car and vehicle components, chemicals and pharmaceuticals, and electronics, to industrial robotics and automated packaging systems. Embedded vision and machine vision are both highly effective systems. Selecting one system over the other depends on the current and projected application requirements.

Advantages of Embedded Vision

Embedded vision requires much less equipment than computer vision systems, which may get very expensive, especially when fast, robust image processing is required. Embedded vision helps to scale back costs by eliminating the necessity for the PC, expensive software licenses, and therefore the cabling runs that are needed to attach cameras in harsh environments. Many image processing tasks are relatively simple, and one board can handle them.

Embedded vision systems also have a smaller footprint. In the case of industrial automation, like many manufacturers, space in your facility is likely a limited resource. One less workstation means more room to extend revenue and boost your margin per sq ft. It may not appear to be tons of space initially. But add up the number of cameras in your facility and the workstations that would be required. There’s no doubt you could make better use of that space.

And embedded vision systems use less energy. Power costs continue to rise. By decreasing the number of kits and replacing it with energy-efficient smart cameras, you’ll watch those power bills go down. By reducing power consumption, you can meet those green goals that can help you qualify for tax breaks and boost customer trust for your brand.

Are you ready to jump on the factory automation bandwagon to harness the significant benefits of improving the quality, precision, and throughput of your production line? At KritiKal Solutions, we build smart products using Embedded Vision technology to enable automation at the heart of the manufacturing units. We’d like to hear about your manufacturing hurdles, to figure out together and eliminate them using smart automation.

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