Cloud Data Warehouse

Compelling Reasons Why Establishing a Cloud Data Warehouse is Beneficial to Enterprises

2 min readFeb 26, 2021


Enterprise’s operations are centrally dependent upon reliable data warehousing. This is one of the critical aspects of enterprise management which integrates and aggregates data from varied sources for rapid data analysis and decision-making. From the conventional management of business processes to such revolutionary evolvement and the configuration of a large volume of complex data, the cloud solutions are creating a safe warehouse to effectively manage the enterprise data. Today, the cloud-based warehouse has emerged as a transformative shift for data storage.

There are some compelling reasons why a data warehouse built on a cloud platform is essential:

Cost-effective and Increased Data Management Flexibility

Cost reduction is one of the most tangible benefits of moving to the cloud which significantly declines complexity and increases the ratio of time-to-value. By establishing a data warehouse in the cloud, the enterprise’s system can instantly and flexibly scale to deliver as much computing power as required to scale your operations. It also gives you the ability for customized storage what you are paying for in order to quickly cut costs.

Ease and Speed of Deployment

Cloud-based data warehouses or application development simplify deployment bypassing many detailed and complicated processes. Since the infrastructure and software are prepared beforehand, users need not worry about technical configurations to run operations in the cloud. Cloud data warehouse ensures accurate project planning and management, in addition to system design, development, configuration, and implementation.

Increased Security Details

Cloud data warehouse can be more secure than an on-premises system if the right precautionary measures are deployed. It is imperative to select a cloud model with a strong security support system for data encryption that avoids many complexities.

Enhanced Capabilities with Scalable Result

Cloud improves the overall quality of the data warehouse by enhancing the running operations. By shifting to cloud solutions, the entire string of data warehousing, from business analytics to IoT (Internet of Things), is incorporated into a single solution. With a secured cloud data warehouse, business applications can deliver faster & sharper insights into business processes that increase the scope of scalability.

Simplified and Strong Management of Data Integration

Business enterprise can be beneficial by moving data for analysis to a cloud environment with simplified and effective real-time data capture and accessibility. It enables simplified data compression, creating a cloud transit system for the movement of data between its source and the warehouse faster and smoother.

KritiKal Solutions connects enterprises with customers, partners, employees, and machines by drawing on our combined strength in cloud app development, sensor integration, mobility solutions, and data analysis expertise. Build your Cloud App with us!



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